My Love Story "Me and Him"

Starting from an unexpected acquaintance. My acquaintance with the man wrote me a figure considered unusual. So many surprises that he gave in my life. Coloring and more liven my day. I also really admired him. With all the talent and strengths.

But I do not think too much. Because I thought maybe it was just a dream. My day was continued, and I lead as normal. Time has shown the day it was late. The moon was just peeking behind the stars. As if they saw two pairs of people who are in love.

That day when the atmosphere changed to seconds tense. An event that was never expected. Because before I could not believe it myself if it will happen. Indeed, the Great God can flip back an event, subhanallah.

That was the day that makes me smile and feel the anxiety. Days where I felt a deep happiness. And a day which made me a little not believe until this moment. Since then I decided to live it and make it all as a motivator in my life.

Only a 1-day, we were met, precisely met for the fourth time. We want to spend time together. Although only half a day but this is a rare opportunity. We are rarely met because we were both busy. But half a day with him just makes my heart bloom - flowers.

Half day we live, so many lessons I got reply. This heart felt very extraordinary joy. And various events that will be memorable. This is the first for him but not for me. Honestly the first time I experienced anything like this. The image of happiness is clearly illustrated in this lip smile.

Now our relationship is quite long, this is the longest relationship I've ever had. Until now we have never fought. He always makes me laugh so I feel comfortable when I close to him. With his charisma he was able to make me fall in love again with him. Our story is different from other love stories.

Many silly things we've been through, starting from each other when the first date, several times lost the key motors but eventually returned by the local security guards, in the rain in search of our destination uncertain, always puzzled to find a date, ordering food with cheese is almost a mountain that made him pale as could not spend his food, eating ice cream together in a park with a beautiful scenery.

I'm very happy when with him. However, we were busy so we go through long distance relationship and causing the intensity to meet the less. Even so, I remained patient and sincere. Long distance relationships do not love this release. Long distance relationships make us stronger belief. This relationship can be one solution to overcome the nature of what I have rather tired.

I hope that with this relationship can make us stronger to go through life, providing the motivation to achieve our dreams. Maybe one day I can be with her partner may or true soul mate. But, I do not think too much before. I still want to reach all my dreams, still a long way to go me, as well as with him.
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Jati Diri?

Awal tahun yg gw harapkn indah trnyata hanya menguap bgitu saja..tak ada kembang api, tak ada makan2, hanya mematungkan diri menonton film animasi karya negri pembual..
Sebuah liburan yg hanya membuat diri membusuk dalam kebosanan..
Tapi kini kebosanan itu berubah mnjadi kesibukan yg benar2 menyita semuanya, waktu, pikiran, fisik dll..
Jujur gw lelah kawan, lelah dgn semua keterpurukan tanggung jawab dan moralitas..
Gw trkadang brpikir, untuk apa kita belajar yg mungkin dalam tahun2 berikutny hanya akan menguap begitu ingin sebuah jawaban real atas semua pertanyaan yg membayangi benak gw..
Gw muak dgn semua, muak dgn jalan yg ga gw kehendaki, muak dgn nilai dan ranking yg org2 menjadikan ny sbg prioritas..hati gw seakan tambah mati rasa dgn apa yg g gw suka, dgn apa yg gw jalani saat ini..
Knp harus gw yg selalu trpikirkn akan kelangsungan generasi selanjutnya? Knp harus gw yg menyadari lbh jauh dunia semakin trpuruk dan memang kiamat tambah dekat?
Lalu knp harus gw yg merasakan ketidakbebasan dalam hak pribadi?

Gw merasa selalu ingin menangis dgn dhadapkan pada masalah seperti merasa benar2 bingung harus bagaimana..apakah ini yg dnamakan pncarian jati diri?

Kini pertanyaan2 yg hanya menggema dstiap sudut raga hanya menguap begitu saja tanpa menemukan jawaban ny..
Sampai kapan seperti ini? Mampukah gw melewatiny? Dapatkh impian menjadi realita? Bisakah mendapat hasil yg sesuai? Sebenarnya apa yg sedang trjadi?

Kuteriakan pertanyaan itu berulang2 tanpa menemukan jwbn yg pasti..
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